Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Here's the Story of one of my girls, in her words:

My life before I met Jesus was sad and depressing. I never listened to metal music but a lot of times I thought about suicide. I had no friends, was an outcast, and as a family, we moved a lot. Church wasn't a big think in our family...just something we went to. I saw God as unfair: why could other people be happy and not me?

Then I got locked up and once again I was disappointed. After about a week, I just broke down and started to cry 'cause everyone was nice to me. I fessed up to God: "Look, I'm sorry God, I give up, do whatever you want with me."

In detention I met Kelly. Kelly had a nice calming presnce about her. I was able to trust her and she was actually one of the reasons I didn't want to leave Juvie. I learned that it's okay to be angry but I can't blame God for everything that goes wrong. Me and God have an understanding: life is hard but that doesn't mean I have to put myself in bad situations.

Now I'm more confident. I love myself now and others. School is school, I can deal with it. I don't put myself down anymore, now I try. God is my best friend now. I can go to him for anything: I can whisper prayers or yell them. Now I think I got it too good. I started goign to church regularly...I want to go, it's not something I have to do, I want to. No matter how much trouble you're in, if God wants you, he'll get you. Now I'm going to be a member of a church...for the first time.

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