Before I begin though, I almost feel that all these great things, all these blessings rather, are coming and I'm loosing touch with reality. ...Or let me put it this way, I feel like I'm almost taking it for granted. I hope not and when I think of the possibility I always stop and think about the reality and that usually settles me down.
Today this is my blown away moment blog: After last week's amazing three day deposit total of $2225, I capped off the week...God capped off the week at $2,600 total. Amazing!
So over the weekend and up to this morning, it kept going. Friday one of my girls got out of Juvie. Fabulous enough right? (The more I go in there the more I realize that is not the proper place for kids even though it is a good place.) Last Wednesday when I talked to her she was all about calling me (like a half a dozen other girls that have my phone number and say that) but she actually called me! Totally I'm starting to build that relationship.
Then on Sunday, Antwionette and I and Don are all at church and there's this Cedar Point trip for the Youth Group coming up and I kinda told my sister Antwionette might have trouble getting the money for it and then after church one of the youth group kids that over heard that said that she'd pay for more than half of it!!!
And this morning <
Okay, I guess this what I get when I start to expect things from God...Its all coming together for me now.
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