Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Brace Yourself Kelly!

Last week, the same as every couple of weeks, we get a balance from our accountant that has all the different accounts listed and their balances. I have had to brace myself for that recently because the number has been negative. Of course I've been praying for this...speaking his promises back to him, but of course realizing every time I am currently not in need and am not yet down to my last penny.

So this week, God smiled. And he's pretty much been smiling in this area ever since I got back from Serve. It's always either when I least expect it or when I'm at my last straw...then it comes. My deposit from today, yesterday, and the day before, has been amazing! It's been exactly $2,600 and it leaves me with only $78 in the negative. That's a number I haven't seen in a while and its a number I'm quite happy with.

It doesn't surprise me...God knows his promises and sometimes he waits until we recite them back so that he knows we know. Kinda like your mom telling you something and then immediately saying, "Now what did I just say?" It tests, encourages, and strengthens our faith when he waits until that moment.

That was a lesson I learned the hard way...a very hard Fiji not so long ago and it was followed abruptly by God saying, "Now if you forget this lesson, I'll have to teach it to you again and it won't be any prettier than this." And in Fiji I waited, knowing God was going to do things in the right time and the right order.

And I waited...and you know what he blessed me with? He blew me away with it by the way...and I get to wake up next to him every morning for the rest of my life. Every time I look at Don, I am reminded that God is the best timing, that God is faithful, even if it takes him a while, and that he will not only not let us down, but he'll blow us away if we wait for his best.

The number may not be pretty, but brace yourself Kelly, God is going to do something. $2,600 doesn't just drop on your doorstep in three days by accident.

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