Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Crop it all!

So this past weekend my mom, sister and I went to this cool little Bed and Breakfast called "Lasting Impressions" with a bunch of ladies that we know just to work on our photo albums. We all do Creative Memories. We cropped our tail ends off and I was crowned "Queen of Crop" (the annual award - as they do this every year - for the lady who does the most pages). I laid 95 pages. in three and a half days. I finished my wedding book (of which is actually two books and I need to purchase a second cover set), my honeymoon and all up to our first anniversary trip (I have four pages left til the trip is finished). I am beyond excited.

I'm a cropper for life too...as I finally committed myself to buying the cool things necessary to start doing it at home...well, the basics at least.

In other news, its been two weeks and one day since my last rear-ending and my neck is stiff a little...not enough to immobilize me in any way.

And one last tid-bit. Don passed his drivers test and we're going to the Secretary of State later this morning to get his license! I'm so proud of him!!

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