Wednesday, September 12, 2007


The number one fear of Americans is Public Speaking. The number two fear of Americans is the fear of death. Do you get that? People would rather be dead than speak. I on the other hand, have neither of these I embrace both of them as an opportunity to advance (in anything really, but mostly that is determined by what I would say).

I don't like paying for car repairs. At the beginning of the year in fact, I feared paying for car payments. At the time I thought it had to do with the fact that I didn't have money to pay for them. I have the money now, and it makes the fear considerably less, but I still fear it because I always wonder if I should sell it and upgrade. Well, I still have the car (cause I don't have car payments) but today I do have it in. I hate that.

I have an oil pan and coolant leak. Probably from a manhole cover I strattled in a construction zone. I wish I had proof of that cause I'd send my bill to the construction company and say, "this is your responsibility because you did not properly mark and/or warn by sign that there were obstructions in the road that could not be moved or otherwise avoided by drivers." After all, I do drive that road a and daylight and night and darkness a like.

Okay, so having said that, now I sound like those people who look for ways to sue people. I really do not have a lot of tolerance for those people too. I guess I just can't tolerate myself. But then again, I know I wouldn't actually follow thru on the fact that it happened, mostly because I don't have the time or energy (in many different facets) to do that.

But it still annoys me...those manhole covers. I'm not good at those sort of video games...dodging what would make me good at it in real life? Especially in the dark...where black manhole covers are on a black half-tared street in the dark? Give US DRIVERS a break construction people! We pay double fines because of you!

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