Thursday, October 16, 2008

A Little Joy

Each one of my girls brings joy to my heart. I'm sure you've gathered that if you've kept up with my posts this year. This girl M (same M as in 'Deepest Hurt' from the other day), I love her! She is so fun. Last night we were playing Uno with a two other people...well, I was playing and she was sitting next to me crocheting. It was my turn to deal so I was going to be sneaky so I dealt everyone one card to start with while they were yacking with each other. Her and I were the only ones paying attention to the dealing. So I pick up my card and say "Uno! ...Uno! Uno!" (the last two as a result of other players having one card and failing to say 'Uno'). Ha ha ha. We laughed so hard because the others just looked at us like I was unfair! ...As everyone knows, you can start with any amount of cards you want...even if you only want to start with one!

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