I read a news article on the net that criticized Wall Street Executives for their bonus': $18B...let's put that in a numerical figure: $18,000,000,000. That is a huge amount of money...considering that they got that money from our pockets.
But really, can we expect anything else? When the stimulus plan went thru last year, most executives kept their jobs. In my management class in college my Prof said that when companies were overtaken by other companies the first people to get fired were the executives because they were the ones that drove the company to where it got taken over.
Can we expect anything else? Government was the one that ever since 1981 has one at a time taken the regulations off of Wall Street encouraging free market, Clinton took the last of these off.
Can expect anything different from executives from companies going bankrupt to spend millions of dollars on private jets to fly to Washington (three executives, from three companies flying to and from the same city on three different private jets)?
John Rich from Country Music's band Big and Rich have a new song out saying that the government and Wall Street are killing Detroit...well, they're killing more than Detroit and unless they can drop some huge cash into American's pockets real soon, there won't be anything left to rescue.
What government needs to do is make sure the banks have money to loan people and that people have money to pay off debts and spend money. They can give all the money in the world to the Big auto Three and if there aren't people with money able to buy cars, all that money won't make a lick of difference because at that point there will be a whole lot of efficient cars on car lots and no people to sell them.
Think about that President Obama.